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Mar 2, 2025
Jeff Schwarzentraub
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In This Series
When Adversity Escalates
September 12, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Difficulties occur all the time in the Christian life because we live in a sinful and broken world that is hostile to the Lord. When these trying circumstances occur, we sometimes understand that this is a normal part of the Christian life. The ch...
God’s Powerful Orchestration
September 18, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed God’s sovereign orchestration for every single person’s life. We learned in the Word of God that every human being is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139) and that we are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). He has se...
The Making of a Worshipper
September 25, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed how when God sees a problem and has a solution, he goes looking for that man in order to make him a worshipper. Often when we consider the notion of worship our thoughts wander to liturgy and style rather than to the person ...
Responding to God's Call
October 2, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
When someone is trying to get our attention, we can respond in a myriad of different ways. We can choose to ignore the call, we can have them leave a message, or we can immediately answer and engage. When God calls us for His purposes, He desires ...
Surprising Expectations
October 9, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
There is nothing quite so painful and disappointing as unmet expectations. Some of life’s greatest challenges arise in areas of our lives when we are expecting something that does not materialize. This can happen on a micro-scale when somebody doe...
Courageous Kingdom Advancement
October 16, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we addressed two consistent themes that pervade the Scriptures: The glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom. God wants to make Himself known throughout the whole world and chooses to use His servants to advance kingdom. Even as w...
A Courageous Warrior
October 23, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the courage it takes to respond to the Gospel and the courage it takes to share it with others. Throughout the Old and New Testament God calls His people to not only live the Gospel but to share it. Jesus Christ is Lord and ...
The Making of a Man
October 30, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed how long-term obedience in the same direction transforms our lives. In chapter 11 of the book of Exodus we read about a different Moses than when he was called by God. He went from a wishy-washy, nominal follower of God to b...
Experiencing Freedom
November 13, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed how we can truly be set free in Christ and no longer remain a slave to our sin. In the book of Exodus, God sent the first 9 plagues to punish Egypt for their disobedience to Him. After the Pharoah and Egypt refused to repent...
The Next Generation
November 21, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the need to pass the spiritual baton to the next generation. Our salvation is very important to the Lord, but He wants to use us to build up our children and their children so that they can go further than we ever dreamed. G...
Trust God in Your Trials
November 28, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed how we can trust God in our trials. Jesus told us that in this world we would have tribulation. It’s a promise that when we walk with the Lord there are going to be challenges that we did not expect. How we respond to these ...
Praise the Lord
December 6, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we studied the Victory Song that Moses and the Sons of Israel sang after God crushed Pharoah and his men. Once the battle was complete, the men sang praise to God for delivering them from their enemies. Understanding what took place in c...
God's Gracious Provision
December 12, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we studied the beginning of Israel’s journey with God through the wilderness. Following an amazing spiritual victory on the banks of the Red Sea, Israel celebrated with praise to the Lord lead by the men. However, it only took three days...
Leadership Expectations
December 18, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we talked about expectations that we can have when we lead for the Lord. In any venue being a spiritual leader comes with responsibilities and expectations. Often, we think we can do better than the people who are leading us until we rec...
Growing Spiritual Leaders
January 9, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed how we can strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ and how we can become a leader of leaders. Once a person is saved there is a strong desire to serve the Lord, but often we don’t feel like we are doing a good enough j...
Approaching The Holy
January 15, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the holiness of God and why it is so important that we know His character if we are going to approach Him. In Exodus 19 we see the nation of Israel being introduced to the God who performed all the amazing works and wonders ...
The Ten Commandments
January 23, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we studied the Ten Commands and the uniqueness of God’s holiness in relationship to that of sinful man. We learned that the law is good and useful for us in our lives if we understand the purpose of the law. God uses the law to define Hi...
God Values Love and Justice
February 6, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we covered quite a bit of ground from Exodus 21:1-23:9. We learned and discovered God’s love and justice in His Law. These chapters cover Case Law for the nation of Israel. In other words, God demonstrates how to apply His law using diff...
Keys for Spiritual Growth
February 12, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we looked at three words that were keys for our spiritual growth in the Lord. Rest, worship, and trust are essential for us in our daily walk with Jesus Christ if we are going to experience God’s best. God spelled out for the nation of I...
The Calling of A Man
February 20, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed what God calls a man to be and to do. So many men in our culture are confused and have a difficult time understanding what they need to be doing. Regardless of vocation, a man is designed by God to serve God. As we have stud...
The Purpose of the Tabernacle
February 27, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the purpose for the Tabernacle so that we would understand the heart of God for His people. Often when reading the Old Testament some Christians are confused about the application of the text for today. As we studied the Tab...
Ministering Priests
May 1, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the role of Priestly Garments and how they were necessary for leading God’s people and foreshadowing the coming Messiah. While this section of Scripture may not be the most riveting for the modern-day reader, we see the grea...
Authentic Worship
May 8, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we studied Exodus 30 and 31 as God gave further instructions for how the tabernacle was to be erected. As we continue to learn about God’s dealings with Israel, we see just how important it was for His people to understand how to worship...
The Appetite for Idolatry
May 21, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the appetite that we have for idolatry. God’s greatest desire is to be worshipped because He is the ONLY ONE worthy of our best. This is why the first commandment begins with the law to worship the Lord your God and serve Hi...
Pleading for God’s Presence
May 28, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the importance of God’s Presence and what is required for us to experience Him. Instead of religious rituals and routines we must experience God’s Presence to accomplish God’s purpose. So often, we rely on leadership seminar...
The Purpose of God’s Presence
June 4, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Experiencing God's Glory
June 11, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we concluded the book of Exodus as we learned how to experience God’s glory. God’s purpose in delivering Israel out of the bondage of Egypt was not simply to get them to the promised land. God’s purpose was so that He could dwell with th...