God Values Love and Justice

Feb 6, 2023|Jeff Schwarzentraub|Exodus 21:1-23:9| #God #Gods Love #Justice #Satan
This week we covered quite a bit of ground from Exodus 21:1-23:9. We learned and discovered God’s love and justice in His Law. These chapters cover Case Law for the nation of Israel. In other words, God demonstrates how to apply His law using different scenarios that may occur within His covenant community. Although Christ is the fulfillment of the law and these laws do not specifically apply to us today, the understanding of God’s heart behind His law for Israel is important for us to understand as believers today. Too often people believe that the Laws of God are not binding and therefore we do not need to be acquainted with them. As we understand the law we learn of God’s heart for His people (images bearers), property, possessions, principles, and priorities. Although this may be the only message you ever hear on these chapters, it is important to appreciate and honor God’s heart in the giving of the Law. May this message be an encouragement to you as you continue to seek the Lord.