God’s Plan for Progress: Choose Well Today

Aug 25, 2024|Jeff Schwarzentraub|Joshua 24:14-15| #Authentic #Forgiveness #Obedience #Spiritual Growth #Worship
Pastor Jeff discussed the significant impact of honesty and authenticity on one's spiritual journey. He emphasized our need to be truthful in our interactions not only with ourselves but also with God and those around us. In his words, he urged us to replace disrepute with honesty and authenticity. He pointed us to the importance of not camouflaging our struggles, mistakes, or doubts, but rather exposing them to the light of truth. Pastor Jeff found it essential that we allow God's grace to pour into our lives; this openness invigorates us towards forgiveness and acceptance. He strongly advised seeking backing from a genuine and faith-filled community, a community that would walk hand in hand on the path to spiritual growth. Being open and truthful paves the way for healing, growth, and transformation. By making a choice in favor of truth and authenticity, he said, we unlock the doors to a freedom that exists only in truthfulness.

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