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The Priority of the Father
Mar 2, 2025
Jeff Schwarzentraub
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In This Series
The Supremacy of Jesus Christ
February 6, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
In the first three verses of Hebrews seven attributes of our Lord and Savior are listed. Each of these attributes are extremely powerful and exclusive. Just a casual reading of the book of Hebrews causes the reader to pause and understand that Jes...
Greater than Angels
February 13, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Angels are spiritual beings created by God for the purpose of serving and worshipping Him. They were used of God to bring the law to the Jews and are seen throughout Scripture as powerful messengers and worshippers of God. The author of Hebrews th...
Pay Close Attention
February 22, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
“May I have your attention, please?” This question may perk our interest but often times we are simply reminded of a truth we already understand. Therefore, at times when we are warned we simply do not pay attention to the warning. This can be ver...
The Humiliation of the Incarnation
February 27, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
In this message, we discuss the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the humility He endured on our behalf. Jesus Christ, as the second person of the Trinity, has always existed and yet just over 2000 years ago He put on flesh and became a man. In humi...
Obey Today
March 6, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
In this message, we see that the single greatest way to grow in your relationship with Christ is to Obey Today. To experience God’s favor and blessing requires that you listen to His voice and honor him through taking the next step of faith He req...
The FOMO In The Gospel
March 13, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Millennials sometimes use the word FOMO to describe the Fear of Missing Out. This message discusses the healthy fear of missing out on the truth of the Gospel. One of the greatest questions we can ask and answer is, “Am I really saved?” This is a ...
Our Great High Priest
March 20, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
The author of Hebrews continues to demonstrate that Jesus Christ is the greatest. In this message, we learn that Jesus Christ is the greatest high priest, which begs three questions for us to ask and examine. First, what is a high priest? Next, wh...
The Danger of Spiritual Lethargy
April 3, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This message discusses another warning passage that demonstrates some who have experienced Jesus Christ have never made Him the Lord of their lives. It is a warning to anyone who falsely thinks that by simply having a positive encounter or experie...
Strengthening the Hope of Your Salvation
April 10, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
After warning about the dangers of those who refused to make Jesus Christ their personal Lord and Savior, the author of Hebrews transitions to encouraging the saved. He calls many of His listeners Beloved and tells them they possess many things th...
Christ's Superior Priesthood
May 1, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This message discusses Christ’s superior priesthood. Converted Jews in the first century had become concerned because they no longer had a priest. Since becoming Christians, they were no longer welcomed back into their Jewish faith and therefore d...
Christ's Prevailing Priesthood
May 8, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This message examines not only how Christ’s priesthood was superior but how it has prevailed. Because Jesus Christ is from the order of Melchizadek, he is the only One who qualifies as the eternal high priest. God in His Word promised that Jesus C...
Superior Ministry
May 15, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This message examines Hebrews chapter 8 and the superior ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ as our Great High Priest. Our society balks at the fact that Jesus Christ is the only way to God and even young, immature Christians can often doubt the val...
The Blood of Christ
May 22, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Today, many people in the church want to talk about all the benefits of Christ but refuse to talk about the necessity of His shed blood. Throughout Hebrews 9, we hear about need and blessings that result from Jesus Christ shedding His blood on Cal...
Believe Your Blessings
May 29, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This message challenges believers to believe their blessings. In the church, we often encourage people to count their blessings, perhaps even enjoy their blessings, but it’s rare when Christians truly believe their blessings and live differently a...
June 5, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the fourth warning passage in the book of Hebrews. The author is telling us to beware of certain things that will impact our spiritual growth. God places warning passages in the Scriptures for our own good. For the believer ...
Faith is Key
June 12, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Hebrews 11 helps us to comprehend the significance of faith in the life of a believer. Understanding and applying faith in our life pleases God and unleashes His favor upon us. The challenge with faith is the ability to believe it before we see it...
The Challenges to Faith
June 19, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we highlighted Hebrews 11:7-22 and discussed the challenges to faith. Many times, when we are encouraged to grow in our faith our motivation wanes due to challenges that appear. Because the Christian life is not automatic it is imperativ...
Living the Life of Faith
June 28, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we focused our attention on the life of Moses and four immediate steps of faith that believers can choose to take so that they can live the life of faith that God requires. Pastor Jeff has often said that the most difficult step you will...
The Celebration of Faith
July 3, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the need to celebrate God when we recognize faithfulness in His servants. Often, when people are faithful, we celebrate them rather than the God who is working through them to make them faithful. At the end of chapter 11 in ...
Faithful Finishers
July 10, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we addressed the need to be faithful finishers for the Lord Jesus Christ. Right after the author spends an entire chapter discussing those who died in faith he tells us the reason he was addressing them. The reason is so that we know we ...
The Grace of Discipline
July 18, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
So often when we hear the word discipline we immediately think of punishment instead of understanding all the nuances of the word. When we talk about the discipline of God we are talking about His comprehensive standards that He works tirelessly f...
Godly Choices to Endure
July 24, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the godly choices we can make to ensure that we will endure to the finish line. Pursuing peace with others and growing in holiness work together to strengthen us. First, we demonstrate the love of Christ for others as we con...
When The Going Gets Tough
August 22, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed what happens when life gets stressed and the ways we can respond. We can either act God’s way or we can respond the way of the world, our flesh and Satan would dictate. As many of the early professing Jews were facing persec...
Sacrificing For Growth
August 28, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we finished the book of Hebrews by addressing five diagnostic questions for every believer. As the author of Hebrews finishes his exhortation to his audience, he urges them to continue with faith in Jesus Christ. Instead of simply spelli...